We would like to apologise to all our followers and friends, and those who have registered with our Newsletter.

We have just been brought to notice that what we have been doing,

sending our Newsletters in the middle of the night (Tokyo time),

could be a great nuisance to our followers

who registered their mobile phone email addresses with their Newsletter subscription.

We are really sorry that we noticed the problem only now. 

We sincerely apologise for having been a nuisance.


Kindly be informed that from now onwards,

we will send out our MONOCIRCUS Newsletter around NOON, Tokyo Time on the first day of each month.

Please also note that occasionally we will send out special issues in the middle of the month, 

but that is just occasionally and not all the time.


we hope you will continue to follow our activities and visit our store.

our newsletter for this month can be viewed here.

Thank you very much!

Have a really pleasant weekend!