To our dear customers who have purchased MONOCIRCUS' TRAVEL TAGS, we apologise for not being able to publish this user guide earlier.
The ‘fingers’ of the plush TAG are quite fat so the brown ring looks a little tight for them.

Here’s how to use the TAG.

Sling the TAG through the handle or strap of your luggage or bag.

Squish the fat ‘fingers’ together and push them through the brown loop.

Hold on to the brown loop firmly then slowly pull at the three fingers at the same time push the loop downward.  

Do not pull at just one finger.

Once you get the fattest  portion of the hand through, the rest will be easy.
Two cards are attached to each tag.You may choose to write in your name and contact address and number on the back or the inside of the card.Insert the card with the rounded edge first into the grey pocket.